Bathroom Part 9 - Can You Smell It (the end)?

Slowly but surely over the last couple months, we've been working on the cabinet area. You could be more up to date with this process, but trust us, you'd be really bored by now. We're just going to show you a before and after. We're really happy with how it turned out. It might be less storage than we had before, but it sure is prettier. And it's SMARTER storage, too. They told us that on HGTV. We're no Clive Pearse and Lisa LaPorta, but if we do say so ourselves, damn, we're pretty good.




Here's what the whole room looks like, from the hall, minus some of the paint and trim work:

So there you have it. Bathroom (almost) finished. Stay tuned.


Matt and Veronica Luttrell said...

I am extremely impressed with your new in-house. Very spiffy. Just sad I couldn't see it in person. Dang crystals in my eye!

The McGuire's said...

Wow! I'm impressed. Great job guys!